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Discover and learn the history, magic and inhabitants of Homeworld.

This is the extensive deep lore , history and magic system of The Starwielder universe.

(Refresh the site while developments continue!  my personal artwork, and Image placeholders are always changing as professional art from other humans is pending completion.~)
                                                                                        I. C. 


       Approximately 50x  larger than Earth for quick comparison in terms of circumference, radius, surface area and overall size. With a 55% land to 45% ocean ratio and two massive supercontinents under its seven layered atmosphere, Lycandia and Perilith. Two vast polar caps and thousands of islands, several smaller land masses in the oceans that accompany them. The island country of Ralawaith for example, has incredible and strange weather patterns from ocean currents. A 12 hour light and dark cycle provided by one young sun. Two moons provide colorless light reflecting off the sun during the night cycle. These moons are green (Albratrax) and purple (Iris). They closely travel in orbit with one another. Both experience weekly and monthly lunar phases as they rotate around the planet, which also has a unique invisible to the naked eye energy barrier encapsulating it in its inner exosphere, preventing the reach of interplanetary space. During daylight hours a 3rd moon is visible which is an orange and sapphire color (Miasma). This 3rd moon also goes through its own unique monthly and weekly lunar phases offset from the other two moon’s schedule. At night, numerous species of illuminated foliage glow, specific to certain climates of course. The furthest south and north parts of the globe, closer to each respective pole, occasionally experience vibrant multicolored light displays from solar wind. 


         Life on Homeworld is immensely abundant; for example it hosts billions of tropical and seasonal climate bird species as well as tens of thousands of recorded/known land-based mammals, and forty thousand species of bees, among millions of other vital insects playing roles in complex food chain webs with reptiles and amphibians. Marine life on Homeworld is often indescribably diverse. Arguably 60% of the deep oceans remain largely unexplored due to the numerous perils involved with the task. So far, close to a million species of fish have been documented, both in the freshwater and saltwater categories. 





Iris radiates a powerful void-like energy, and has a dramatic jagged appearances during its different phases unlike the other two moon's orbiting Homeworld. The Felidaens channel their magic toward this moon to often times magnify spells, even transcending to visit the spirit world. 

Albratrax has magic energy tied particularly to plant life, fungi and other conscious organisms. Albratrax also affects necromancy magic in. Lycandians often channel elemental magic, and enhance rituals during special phases on the calendar.

Miasma is smaller than the other moons orbiting Homeworld.  Miasma's phases have different effects, depending on the type of magical spell/ritual it's being drawn upon to enhance. Shamans, mages, necromancers and warlocks all make use of the amplifying forces. 

A description and backgrounds of the main species.

       Galanexians: (Anthropomorphic Winged Dragons) Originate from a massive island country named Ralawaith,  but were later also native to settlements scattered across the islands around it, near the same region of Perilith. Galanexians are born from hatched eggs, with no hair or fur on their bodies, an array of stylish spines and horns would normally sprout in place of them. They can naturally fly with powerful wings and they have a heightened sense of hearing, smell, as well as colored eyesight. Galanexian's diversity within their species came as migration around the dangerous environments of Ralawaith continued. It wasn’t uncommon to see geodes, quartz, or occasionally intricate precious gemstones encrusted in their scales, all unique to the individual. Each Galanexian has a different gemstone or mineral stone housed in the core of their body's torso. This physiology in them, makes Galanexians highly tolerant to extreme heat and withstand significant abuse. Galanexians  constrain a storm summoning magical force, this could manifest as channeling lightening or plasma projectiles unique to their species. But adopted very early concepts of elemental magic use through study, and  generic sorceries able to be used by all species.

       Lycandians: (Anthropomorphic Wolves) Emerged from the supercontinent named Lycandia,  first in three ‘prime breeds’ each having simple but differing eye, hair/facial hair and pelt color, digitigrade legs. Even the different lengths of their canine fangs. Shortly after in history, several regional based breeds would spur on diversity from these centralized ancient ancestors and the rudimentary societies they formed, in part shaped by the environments they endured; such as Direwolves and Timberwolves for example that inhabit numerous countries in the souther part of Lycandia, both breeds using carved totems and ankhs held in their paws to channel elemental  energies,  speak to wildlife, and more. While other parts of the supercontinent saw Greywolves establish territory, some of their breeds engineering the ability to harness magic into weaponry or armor. Gadgets too, this concept was pivotal as history goes on.


        Felidaens: (Anthropomorphic Big Felines) First appeared in the planet’s second supercontinent, named Perilith as three ‘prime ancestries’. Each have their own specific trait like saber teeth, retractable claws in their paws and feet, and digitigrade legs. Having either spotted or striped fur with vibrant or subtle colors. Many Felidaen breeds possess a void-like, shadowy magical trait unlike the others species, although these can be taught to them if the individual can harness magic. Felidaens have a natural born affinity with communing spirits of the dead, through rituals, even raising the recently deceased with tremendous effort; magic energy has a price that only steepens. Thousands of years of complex morbid magic study throughout Homeworld the Felidaens master necromancy, as Lycandians master kinetic elemental magics. Including whiskers, their brief list of physical traits are unique eye colors such as pink, honey yellow, bronze and shades of red. Felidaens possess a heightened sense of smell and hearing just like the others, but can see extremely well in the dark 


         Sarosians: Are the mixed ancestry of Lycandians and Felidaens and first appeared during the Early Primal Era as migration and exploration trended and the two parent species met.  Sarosian's have a plethora of the fur, facial structure, body structure, eyes and other traits found in both of the two species. Sometimes having no fur at all. They possess magical traits of only one of the two species at a time however, under mundane circumstances. 


Also, it is physically impossible for Galanexians to rear offspring from the other three anthropomorphic species 

(Sarosians, Felidaens, Lycandians) on Homeworld.

 Direwolves: Their fur pelts were predominately white, black or dark gray. They had both digitigrade and plantigrade legs in their genealogy. The digitigrade allowed for locomotion on its digits, or toes. Eye colors ranged from turquoise, indigo, or amethyst generally but did vary. Their average height at adulthood ranged between 5.8ft to 6.5ft, and had diverse body types. They originated from the Southern Easter most region of the supercontinent before spreading more southwestern, incrementally over the ages. Some core culture of direwolves includes their belief of oneness with their magical ability in relation to their natural world, such as plants and flowing water and the elemental forces able to be expressed from it. A revelation chronicled by wise elder shamans and druids during the Early Primal Era. Early Elementalism took root in many of the annual traditions that are shared for tens of thousands of miles in the region. They originated first in what is now today known as Antique Proxima then moved south through Edon west to Eluin and territories in Kranor, during the middle of the Early Primal Era. They portray raw religious revelry through ceremony and competitive displays of sports, vibrant displays and deep connection . They possessed the most reasonable amount of skepticism towards developing technology at first out of most other species on the planet. Throughout history the majority of direwolves and similar breeds upheld a fluidity in the evolution of their religious understandings regarding emerging new science. Most of the urbanization flourished in the eras of industrialization, simultaneously managing to keep millions of ancient heritage sites preserved. Much of the land enriched with surface quartz and junglescape was kept untouched as possible despite rigorous farming. It is now common to see many cities or massive ‘solarpunk’ metropolitan areas overgrown by vines and plant life, below the super skyscrapers. Hundreds of miles of plant growth are incorporated in their city’s designs.

Timberwolves: Their pelts consisted of soft reds and a range of tans or browns, often with intriguing and fascinating patterns. Eye colors could be any imaginable shade of red and orange, including hazel. Timberwolves, like their Direwolf cousins, also shared varied leg anatomy between digitigrade or plantigrade and stood anywhere from 5.5ft to 6.5ft at adulthood. They first originated in the Southern Central and Western part of the supercontinent before emerging to spread north and east. Many cultural similarities are shared between most breeds of direwolf and timberwolves found in the eastern region, where they integrated hundreds of years later as a sort of individual country or cultural identity. At a core, vast majorities of sub-religions, traditions and values originate from Primal Era Cosmicism. But the diversity of timberwolves isn’t in just pelt colors alone; their homelands ranged often from volcanic mountainous deserts, arid prairies to more tropical and seasonal climates in Lycandia. Industrialization brought many new professions and concepts to reality for academically enriched cultures within Timberwolf regions, such a modern day country of Mirael, and the island nation of Cynthali shared with the Sarosians


Graywolves: Predominantly their pelts came in every shade of gray or white with fascinating patterns or as flat colors. The vast majority of early gray wolves were digitigrade and, unique to their genealogy, had larger top and/or bottom fangs that could protrude up to 3 inches long. The average height of an adult was 7ft tall, and their body types followed a bulky, toned trend. They had silver, arctic blue and lapis eye colors typically, before diversifying when migration from the North Central part of the supercontinent into the westward regions began an estimated thousand or so years before recorded time. Greywolves originated in regions such as Empyrean, half or so of the territory that is now Thalahast, and Wulftheon for reference. 

Some mixed lycandian breed examples that emerged over time from descendant migration: Direworgs; who originated from descendants from southern migrating greywolves and direwolves that spread northwest or in places such as Kranor. Or Timberdires who are heavily populated in the neighboring southern coastline part of Lycandia, in sovereign kingdom’s such as Eluin, their region/country of origin. 

Cheetahs: With black spotted pelts that varied in different fur shades of brown, gold, and yellow they originated as nomadic raiders way before recorded time occurred in Perelith. The average height of an adult Cheetah ranged from 5.5ft to 6ft, with a spectrum of slender to thick toned body types. They upheld a legendary reputation well into the Late Primal Era, commanding a wide territory from the north western part of Perilith in specific semi- arid desert regions such as Kohaku, Ostro, and Rathryn and originating first in the tropical savannah region that is now called Zilirah, their coastal heartland. With cunning instincts, cheetahs had numerous methods at their disposal including their unique Felidaen (void and energy, necromancy, spirit-world-energy) magic for conventional warfare use. Outside of war, their seance chambers and pyramid temples where these magics had been practiced since the dawn of their species would flourish. Fully capable of a charge up to speeds of 70 mph for short distances while wearing quilted chainmail or light armor, cheetahs throughout history dismissed using any form of mounted ground animal for cavalry purposes. They usually choose to aim for throats with serrated sickle blades on unprepared disadvantaged foes in close combat. This aided with guerrilla-style martial arts perfected throughout centuries of disciplined education Conquering only seemed an inevitable destiny for them as inventions of steam and science emerged.  Cheetahs, most Tigers, and other mixed ancestry of the two closely related to their genealogy had reaped much throughout early Perilith history from impeccable combativeness in warfare, decisive but chaotically changing alliances, and technological advantage. Respect was only earned from other nomadic cheetah coalitions through dominance displays, including amongst their own kind. Primitive Felidaens native to the vast savannas and central northern half of the supercontinent frequently experienced sweeping raids for both resources and glory. Cheetahs possessed a deep passion for self- liberty, music, arts and fascination with the stars of the night. They inevitably began adapting a more sedentary lifestyle upon learning the many long term benefits it would yield. The more massive and ‘organized’ raiding coalitions formulating early cheetah ‘civilization’ ruled by primitive oligarchy. Their primary religion is Decree Of Two Moons (more detail onward). During the industrialization era conflicts involving cheetah’s geopolitical interests evolved to small-scale, covert operations in the style of their ancestors: ambush and sabotage, further carried out by powerful ruling matriarchies. 


Tigers: With their thick or thin defined sable stripes, their fur came in a spectrum of oranges, yellows or just parchment white. The genealogy for large saber fangs were unique to Tigers and mixed breeds related to them, these fangs grew to a length of up to 3.5 inches. They did share other very similar traits like whiskers, height, body types, and eye colors with their northern cheetah cousins, originating from the very enormous country of Taji, the southernmost region of Perilith before the polar ice cap.Tigers were a hermit breed of Felidaen, sticking extremely close to their seasonal temperate homeland. They historically held themselves stalwart defensive against primitive cheetah invasions, with whom they shared a colorfully complicated history. They galvanized the outer territories of Taji with historic walls thousands of feet tall and massive stone fortresses capable of encircling condensed but tall cities. Ruins from bygone citadels and obsolete remote fallen cities often speckle the diverse landscape, reclaimed by nature but homing timeless memorials. Tiger civilizations flourished well into the Late Primal Era in the steppes, plateaus, and highlands, surrounded by mountainous unknown and uncharted environments. Their own sect of Decree Of Two Moons was practiced and studied for two thousand years, straight through the Early and Late Primal Eras of recorded global history. It was mainly through commerce and religious/spiritual pursuit where most Tiger and Cheetah sovereignties became cooperative and less hostile to one another


Panthers and Lions: Out of all the breeds of Felidaen and Lycandian, none shared more cultural similarities concerning the religion of Elementalism than panthers, direwolves and lions. They historically crossed the divide of the two main species through the exchanging of languages and spiritual knowledge over time, possibly centuries. This included bartering and commerce across the Great Dividing Ocean. Natives to the coast were very familiar with the Galanexians ( Nebula Dragons and the Geode Gargoyles specifically). Some Mixed Felidaen breeds emerged over time from descendant migration: Some breeds would appear calico, spotted, or saber toothed. 

Nebula Dragons: From the enormously diverse rainforest, and the impenetrable and volcanic eastern side of Ralawaith, emerged Nebula Dragons. Unique to their lineage were quartz stone growths at the ends of their tails. Striped designs or patterns on their smooth scaly bodies, usually displaying precious metal colors like yellow gold, bronze sometimes silver with yellow, red, and black scale pigments made up their complexions. With a hereditary wider membraned wingspan, they commanded the skies in acrobatics and speed unlike their other airborne cousins. Nebula Dragons also could breathe a plasma or bright white flame up to 5ft, maintaining on average 10 seconds upon full exhale. However, despite long ranging ability and natural lethality Nebula Dragons did not migrate far from their ancestral home nor the surrounding islands, and historically limited their involvement in the primitive wars of their time. A powerful but peaceful theocratic republic society, amidst their violent habitat that in certain parts mirrored outside travelers to Kranor’s landscape but at a higher elevation. Nebula Dragons at a core withheld little interest in conquest. The average height of an adult Nebula Dragon was between 8ft-9ft, occasionally having tiny precious stones such as rubies or emeralds encrusted in the center of their limbs. Before their final disappearance into ‘extinction’ some time in the onset of the Early Primal Era. Abandoned hardened platinum temples and the other astonishing structures are now remnants of a discarded ancient sect of Cosmicism and Elementalism. Their capital megacity Perhileous is a wondrous solid platinum and polished white granite paradise in the clouds, with molten lava rivers free-flowing below by design. Forever paralyzed in a mastery of limitless steam driven energy and tech keeping parts moving, preventing the overgrowth of communion gardens and keeping them in check. Before the onset of digital realms, satellites, mobile devices, etc, the ghostly monumental city remained intact and hardly touched by the other civilizations of Homeworld due to the incredible environmental hazards and aggressive wildlife that existed and still exist there today. Second handedly safeguarding most of the elusive history and craft of the Nebula Dragons. A popular phrase was adopted that, “Perhileous is perilous,” in wake of its collapse. claiming the lives of numerous company hired teams, and governments greedy to colonize the land suffered likewise. Over time in the Ralawaith’s heartland terrain before ever having laid eyes on the fabled platinum city itself and its secrets. With an elevated skyline Perhileous was practically, if not literally, in the clouds. The evidence of the would be settlers’ abandoned items and equipment eroded away in mere months from the elements, if not scrapped by coastal looters.

Geode Gargoyles: These Galanaxians were also native to Ralawaith, but originate more from the western side of the gigantic island landmass. Being of a shorter stature than that of their Nebula Dragon brethren, an adult Geode Gargoyle would have been an average height of 5ft to 6ft. They would often emerge from the subtropical and craggy desert landscape to roam from nesting spot to nesting spot amid active volcanoes and constantly recycling landscape. The later descendant Geode Gargoyles implemented steam driven technology, heavily borrowed and practiced with their eastern neighbors the Nebula Dragons, to construct hydroponic farmlands in the stable region of western Ralawaith. Having a particular amplification with electricity magic unlike any other species on Homeworld, Geode Gargoyles thus favored electricity over lava, and incorporated it in their culture and rudimentary electrical grid. Before their lineage’s demise, Geode Gargoyles had passed centuries of magical studies to Direwolves and migrants of their lineage, as well as the panthers and lions closest to the coastlines of Perelith who had befriended, warred, or shared faith with them. 

The Magic System of Homeworld


Magical energies originate in space and in all matter, also stemming from the numerous leylines covering the planet. These energies manifest into different varieties of magic, depending on the use. Magic can be summoned or cast from one's palm, or used by infusing ankhs or totems and other objects for different effects. Many individuals are born to access basic magic.

Totems; Made from the wood of basically any tree found on Homeworld, each totem is usually stripped clean of any existing bark and stand between a foot tall or more. Different cultures of Lycandians craft their own style. Special incantations would be carved into the bare cylinders, or wood burned on the smooth surface, etc. Totems can be placed on the ground, or even thrown in the air they can be 'activated', to channel magical energy depending on the totem. Healing, or putting up a magical barricade are two examples.


Ankhs: Made from numerous stones, gems or metals crafted from the overwhelming array of minerals discovered on Homeworld. Ankhs are found predominantly in Galanexian and Felidaen cultures, channeling similar magical properties shared among the other species. Or simply boosting their own specie's unique magical trait. Like totems, they can be placed on the ground, thrown, or engineered into other inanimate objects for a plethora of outcomes. However with ankhs, the user can route magical energy more specific. Felidaens found ankhs crucial to the breeds and countries that practiced necromancy, or for seance rituals. 

Mana: Raw magical energy captured in gas or liquid form, this became more of a commodity akin to natural gas and electrical enhancer, as Homeworld's inhabitants make technological breakthroughs and discoveries. 

 The Starwielder: The soul born destined to take on the mantle of Starwielder, spends a great deal of their early life practicing to properly manifest the powerful cosmic magic at their disposal, before setting out to dispense retribution on the evil forces and existential threats of the world. It is widely known the Starwielder can manipulate gravity, have a stronger amplification with magic.  

The Early Primal Era:

     A Broad Overview: (Years 2,000-3,000) Prevalent among a dozen regions, connected by one massive supercontinent named Lycadia. With varying climates and surrounded by oceans, this marks where Lycandians originate. Direwolves for example, originated in the tropical and seasonal regions, while Greywolves were predominantly from the chillier climates. Timberwolves emerged from in between the two, as well as on islands off the southernmost mainland. The ancestors used their shamanism magic in both enlightening and destructive ways in packs, using primitive tools, spears, and arrows. This limitedly recorded prehistoric time was extremely violent and highly survival based for inhabitants, as Homeworld’s environments around them are wrought with limitless dangers. It is speculated language did develop only after more organized communities had begun to spring up amidst the wilderness, or consistent packs of nomads keeping crude written or illustrated works as communication and art expression. Suitably named, The First Awakening (Year 0-1,000) The first recordings of star charts, recording of the passage of time and weather patterns, plus the growing religions of Cosmicism and Elementalism took flourishing roots. Agriculture was becoming a popular choice from more nomadic pilgrimage and hunting lifestyles, which had been the way of life for close to an estimated thousand years. However, research has shown that over time, perhaps between years 1,000-1,500, these permanent establishments, led by powerful legendary packs, began to carve out official territories. Early kingdoms and republics in bloody constant turf wars, in the wake of numerous archaic diplomacy failures. With crude steam power that had refined itself over time, plate armor that evolved in effective design, medieval weaponry being supported with explosives and firearms. Core trades spread, trying to combine magic wherever it could. Trades such as metalworking, masonry and woodworking began to develop specifics and creativity. Protected in heavily fortified advancing countries by an organized military under the increasing power of these early period alphas; Commerce, ingenuity, culture identity, centralized religions, organized crime and philosophy were all further cultivated inside an unknown amount of primal communities. Under these alphas’ influence, some molded into major civilization's just a short amount of centuries later, many on-top of their former primitive foundations. Argumentatively by historians, this period marks the end of The Early Primal Era. 

The Late Primal Era: 

    A Broad Overview: (Years 3,000-4,000) with these enormous central Lycandian civilizations and constructed roads snaking between them, trade and travel became more convenient. Numerous consumer inventions sparked into creation by ambitious inventors and industrialists striving to improve qualities of life; especially against the natural forces of Homeworld. Also referred to as The Second Awakening (Year 3,000) marking a later point in history where most of the surviving original alpha’s descendants oversee altering territory, revolutions and rapid changing geopolitics. The first three centuries of this millennium witnessed the complete collapse of two major empires that had stood for most of the proceeding millennium with small localized revolutions, four relatively new nations; Cynthali, Wulftheon, Neo Proxima and Aluan were birthed in the wake. With them, a rise of colonization in less developed or growth-stunted parts of Lycandia began, increasing stakes for remaining non-state acting sovereignties, as well as crime syndicates. These Lycandians in their new or old respective territories continued scaled-down warfare against rivals and native packs alike to maintain their varied interests. The newer leaders of the ‘civilized’ Lycandia became more infrastructure focused and resource driven, which had included honing their magical traits with their growing base of technology to solve what problems they could. Division of breed/beliefs/socio-economic, and political stature became factors when roots of mega civilizations developed. Many remote Lycandian societies were already at significant disadvantage with growing agitation and often experiencing more dangers from the wilderness and more. Meanwhile, many less represented groups experienced oppression in some of these megacities, depending on the country and region it differed. Unlike in the final centuries of the last era, there was mounting bias against the need for unrestricted masses of armored soldiers combating one another for existing countries and established kingdoms. Sieges and such savage medieval warfare were a thing of the past now. However, during a century-long ‘tentative’ peace called 'The Illustrious Technology Period' (Year 3,500) more modern advancements arrived at blistering speeds throughout countries across the supercontinent of Lycandia. The creation of better components lead to the invention of the computer, the internet network, satellites, and microprocessors. These alone brought a slew of revolutionary social movements, and further technological breakthroughs. Lycandians had first begun to comprehend steam and electric powered technologies many years after developing mining and metalworking in primitive settlements. Woven in with the elemental magical traits they possessed as a species, the first tools and simple devices were magically amplified. This streamlined the inevitable industrialization of the more affluent regions of the continent through commerce and conquest during a period of time marking the end of what was called The Primal Era (year 1,000-3,000) and the start of a more technologically enhanced millennium, within a shuffled geopolitical landscape. Towards the end of the Primal Era, approximately 3,000, these early inventions ranged from transportation vehicles and rudimentary aircraft to enhanced armor and weapons to endless other modern conveniences. These marvels of engineering brought the rise of numerous industrial laboratories designed in combining their gifted magics and science in pursuit of answers to limitless curiosity; birthing computers, mobile devices, satellites, and media. Centuries old temples and structures prevailed, educating many young and old in the practice

of the primal magic true to their heritage, even while progress mercilessly marched on with an explosion of arts, self expression, and invention discovery. The ability to harness fire and water magically, melded flawlessly with developing engineering and sciences. Prosperity for a couple centuries began, including the eradication of the most deadly diseases, growth of the central economy, and improved agriculture. In merely a hundred years or so the majority of Homeworld

experienced perfect standards of living. However, a complicated modernized war in the sudden wake of all these advancements historically galvanized, traumatized, and educated generations that witnessed it. A movement for more caution in the future.

 A history of the countries of Lycandia.

Edon, The Direwolf Dominion: (Pronounced EE-DON) An Ancient, unique, densely tropical and mountainous region having a massive southern coastline of black sandy beaches. The vibrant dense jungle lands of Edon frequently experienced thunderstorms most of the year spurring from cool air rushing down from the northern mountain range. Since the beginning of recorded time, Edon has functioned as a theocracy led by elected arch shamans from sovereign tribal kingdoms within. These arch shamans were often local heroes, former or acting chiefs, or advisors of immense popularity. The function of these arch shamans was very intricate; such as oversight circulating Elementalism and maintaining political fairness in times of strife, or empowering art and promoting education. Over time, however, with a newly evolving world around them Edon’s council had to widen its complexity to create bureaucracies to include emerging sciences and other expertise. Modern arch shamans would have one, or several, technical professions mastered when they go for an election cycle. Edon was a democratically elected micro-technocratic country with sturdy traditions emerging into the Late Primal Era, holding its internal power of authority balanced by the age-old arch shaman council, leaving Edon as a world leading power in the present day.

The Kingdom Of Eluin: (Pronounced EE-LOO-IN) With a venerable throne during the kingdom’s inception the very early centuries of The Early Primal Era, Eluin featured many exchanges of rule by several royal Timberdire bloodlines. The Primal Shrine of Life exists here, in a mega temple city dedicated to Elementalism’s “Zodiac of Life”. This shrine was built by the ancient settlers in the very Early Primal Era. Eluin’s past is teeming with power struggles, like many other parts of the world. With much of the land comprised of vibrant tropical jungles and fertile fields for crops stretching for thousands of miles, a subtropic but humid coastline. An enormous, inhabitable mountain range is situated on its western border. Exclusive to Eluin’s history is the length of time of a single autocratic dynasty holding authority against many foreign and domestic threats. For a millennium one royal family remained unseated, passing rule to king after queen as world events unfolded. Only in the middle stages of The Late Primal Era with colonization from other Lycandian powers and ill-timed internal deceit, did the waning of Eluin's power and position in geopolitics begin. Modern Eluin still functions as an autocratic nation with a centralized, although highly corrupt, puppet regime. This land was oddly at peace with its neighbor, the destabilized nation of Kranor. The nation’s sole purpose was self maintaining through as little violence, manipulation, and war as possible. Focused on trying to heal a broken kingdom from colonization super power nations such as Aluan, Empyrean, and Mirael had gained sufficient commercial equity off their own and acquired land. 

Wulftheon, Province Of The Pantheon: (Pronounced WOLF-THEE-ON) With thousands of miles of seasonal and deciduous old forests, rolling fields of flowers, and hills, the landscape was often described as enchanting. Part of the land had previous sovereignty to the northern super power nation of Empyrean, and hundreds of miles from newly founded Aluan to the south was hastily stolen in greed. This forced the inhabitants of these stolen lands to also become ‘citizens’ under their authority, but in many cases were treated as second-rate citizens. Wulftheon itself was founded in the wake of a successful coup by a militarized zealot group, The Paladins of the Pantheon. In an obvious reference to the Cosmicism religious symbol for the ‘Pantheon of Paragons’ the Paladins believe in a superiority of gray wolf breeds and lineage only. Also the belief that their sector of Cosmicism is the true and righteous path. This tyrannical totalitarian, often borderlining on fascism, group removed the previous crumbling exhausted monarchy during The Late Primal Era. While other revolutions and exploits were underway across Lycandia for a century, The Paladins of the Pantheon consolidated and achieved world power status through allegiances with Empyrean, also  from foreign sympathizers.

Aluan, The United Republic of Briarhide: (Pronounced AA-LOO-ANN) The tremendously diverse landscapes of prairies, seasonal forests, warmer tropical forests and other environments make up Aluan. It is the home of the enormous mega temple for Cosmicism calledThe Bastion of Benevolenceand in the birth of Aluan as a free country from the fall of the Empyrean Empire the temple would later on in history serve as sanctuary for the governing rulers. The land exchanged many paws over the centuries, but the notion of consolidation through democracy and personal liberty for all individuals took root in The Late Primal Era. It formed a freely elected republic with a president, a senate and a congress with a representative elected from each of the twenty established states. Representatives from colonies and territories that were also founded soon were actively present in the political functions between branches of government. This included a constitutional supreme court holding agency over the other branches of governing to maintain checks and balances of power. The massive capital of Aluan is a megacity, called Luminous. It has a tall white marble skyline and sprawls out in a hundred mile radius, accented with brilliant gold, silver, and bronze ornate materials. 

The Commonwealth Of Mirael: (Pronounced MY-RAY-EL). Mirael is an ancient timberwolf homeland comprising thousands of miles of arid deserts, old growth red cedar forests and grasslands up to its coastlines. Emerging from an early oligarchy country into an advanced technocracy, Mirael became a premier leading nation in the development  of computers, science, engineering, and education. Their only rival was the mighty Empyrean, however once Aluan emerged as a centralized nation the competition became fierce. Despite the new challenges of a ever changing world, the capital city Silverwood is still a breathtaking tall polished chrome marvel commanding international trade and attention still to this day, as it sprawls out for fifty miles. The more rural parts of Mirael function more in a socialist style distribution of resources, as the untamed lands just outside are  harsh and filled with danger, even with help from modernized tools and magic. However, all the glimmer of modern progress can be overshadowed by the dark historical chapter of Mirael’s conquering of the Cynthali islands and the half a millennium of enslavement of their populous following. These enslaved former citizens were forced to work the quarries and mines when sold or shipped to mainland Lycandia. With modern piracy, this is still a problem. 

The Cynthali Republic: (Pronounced SIN-THA-LEE) is a nation of seven large subtropical islands off the south western coast of Lycandia that in recent history gained its independence as a colony country from Mirael and had subjugated and enslaved the native Lycandians and Sarosians whom had originated there for nearly five hundred years. A violent uprising led by a coalition of native chieftains and a militia of Sarosians took back ownership of the fertile farmlands and bountiful jungles Mirael had conquered almost a full millennium ago, and the republic had been reaping the benefit of their oppression. The revolution was fought for three years but victory came for the coalition forces and freedom was won. Relations in modern times are healthier, and perhaps improving, as Mirael and the Cynthali Republic share strong new economic bonds to Aluan and lend support efforts to the war-torn nation of Kranor

Kranor: (Pronounced CRAN-NOOR) Being a loosely democratic state on a good day, Kranor is regularly a contested country, which means many portions of its vast land is constantly besieged. Numerous native militant groups clash amongst themselves, and against foreign interest groups from previous colonizers. Aggressive animal life also adds an element of danger for all. Kranor itself is a wild, barely tamable landscape, with only six cities and a dozen nomadic like groups making agriculture scarce and civilization seldom seen. Tropically dense, volcanically active, and battered with horrifying powerful typhoons along its coastline. However the fatal allure, is it is filled with limitless precious resources from a fabled kingdom that once flourished in a forgotten time. Coastal colonies of the country still exist, but function as neutral ports for export and import, as well as safe-havens from modern piracy, or for modern piracy depending on the faction loyalty. International navy efforts of Cynthali. Mirael, Aluan and others have stakes and infrastructure within the unstable country to guard. 

Neo Proxima, New Ancestral Home Of Lycandia: (Pronounced NEEO-PROX-IMAA) Comprising a massive mega city housing an international stock exchange. It is a federation melting pot of the entire continent, with representatives from every country, private corporations, militias, crime syndicates, and religious leaders. Lycandian and Sarosian persons, as well as the Felidaen who chose to leave their home continent, are all welcome. In the hundreds of miles of lawless landscape that exist outside of the mega city, is a vast stretch of high altitude, often foggy, highlands overlooking its southern neighbor Edon, The Direwolf Dominion far below. The extremely craggy and mossy valleys are met with jagged, razor-blade shaped mountains. Wide patches of clovers would grow up to three feet tall individually. It is one of the few environments in Lycandia completely void of trees, and few flower species are found. But with a dozen different species of grasses and emerging colored quartz, the bizarre environment is alluring. The cooler air from the north would mix with the warmer air from the south, leaving the climate wet and rainy during winter and temperate. 

Antique Proxima, Old Empire: A barbaric, temperate region of anarchy and ultimate freedom. There is zero organized law found outside small scattered civilizations. Thousands of miles of dense old growth seasonal forests and hundreds of ruin strewn fields make up the landscape. With Neo Proxima to its south border, marked by the landscape evolving uphill into extensive highlands where it warms up and no longer snows. Many of the organized crime syndicates and wayward groups call Antique Proxima home in modern time, several centuries ago this was the functioning capital for Elementalism during its spread to different Lycandian tribes and later on, large city states. The fall of the Empyrean Empire labeled this region a ‘failed state’ in the Early Primal Era, but it primarily due to hosting tourism and pilgrimage to the great mega temples dedicated to Elementalism, that endures into the present day. 

Soland: Colossal old growth forests, colorful vivid marshes, tall fens, and untamed swamps make up hundreds of miles of Soland’s environment. Most, if not all, civilization in Soland exists primarily on an estuary or river of some kind, built on top of sturdy bogland deemed useless for agriculture. Leaving the shaman temples mostly in remote overgrown swamps to their benefit as major water port cities began to sprawl, the Lycandians native here uphold many similar heritage and culture practices with those from Edon far to the south, led by arch shamans by royal descendants in earlier centuries.The progressive theocratic leadership that endured in this country for over two millenniums continues on by election, mirroring that of Edon. Soland is an overall remote country, one of few great at keeping out of most of history’s violent altercations because of the substantially large mountain range that snaked between the two countries. 

Thalahast, The Timberwolf Enclave: Sharing vast land borders with Aluan, Empyrean, and Mirael  the geopolitical super power kept close democratic relations with Aluan and an uneasy boarder far north with Empyrean. The environments and landscapes of Thalahast are comparable to Aluan's, but with many more redwood and pine tree species. The northern region becoming more boreal with pine as temperatures decrease and part of the country experiences changing seasons, however with milder winters than other nations.

Anhks and totems

An overview of religions and faiths upheld on Homeworld.

Cosmicism: A vast centralized religion that sparked popularity during “The First Awakening” ( Year 0-1,000 ) on the lycandian continent, essentially establishing and marking the period where permanent civilizations began and also where Cosmicism rooted in the few prehistoric religions that sustained beforehand. Cosmicism’s core symbol is a 10 facet polygon called “The Cosmic Decagon'' which in its inception design first depicted the 10 Truths. Faith in that all existence originated from a ‘Great Creator’, the 10 Truths correlate with undeniably realities on the journey of life through countless metaphors and pre-historic legendary stories of good versus evil, and scenarios of moral dilemmas. Throughout the progress of time the religion of Cosmicism evolved, with inventions of science and research to spur it along. 


1. Birth 

2. Ambition 

3. Knowledge 

4. Pain 

5. Love 

6. Expression 

7. Purpose 

8. Reflection 

9. Acceptance 



“Pantheon of Paragons”- Five of the 10 Truth’s: ‘Knowledge’, ‘Ambition’, ‘Acceptance’, ‘Pain’, and ‘Purpose’ fashioned in a pentagon icon of regional renown. It follows a very medieval authoritarian styled doctrine even up to its most recent recordings of practice, historically under monarchies/patriarchies in the Wulftheon and Thalahast histories. The ‘pantheon’ is a celestial heaven of limitless luxuries and sublime pleasure, but only for the bravest of Homeworld’s worthy souls to bask in for eons on end. Popularized as the final resting spot for some of Homeworld’s reputable conquerors, warrior legends, or great movers of society throughout history. 


“ The Paladins of the Pantheon”- a zealous subgroup birthed out of Cosmicism, from the southern region of Empyrean following the fall of the legendary Empyrean Empire. Upholding a brutally forced ideology of belief that pure-bred greywolves held authentic and righteous authority over the Pantheon, while those that shared their lineage deserved tolerance at the least, perhaps even passage into the heavens if they were ‘exceptional vermin’, but only if they were Lycandian. While the organization’s origin is from Wulftheon, it gained international supporters over the decades, and is believed to have intricate networks all across Lycandia. They possess open bigotry, malice, and mistrust of all who are not full-blooded Lycandian


Elementalism: Closely related to Cosmicism in shared belief structure, it also shared a variety of customs and traditions with Cosmicism but with a heavier focus of centralized worship at prehistoric gargantuan runes. The largest of these already immense slabs of magically scarred and smoothed granite rising from the ground are known as The Core Symbols: “Divine Fire”, “Trinary of Water” and “Zodiac of Life”, with thousands of minor supernaturally formed runes scattering most of the Lycandian’s mainland continent that inspired most of the ancestors to build their earliest settlements in close proximity to these holy sites. Birthing forth from these organic originals came a plethora of more complex runes, encouraging more evolution and expression of their understanding of these divine conduits, also a deep emotional feeling of one’s consciousness in relationship to each element. Although "Elementalist’s" acknowledge the existence of the 10 Truth’s in Cosmicism, the vast majority put little stock in philosophical readings, nor do they uphold a vast majority of the orders in the Truth’s. Instead, distinguishing a different relationship with this “Great Creator” through the magical gifts bestowed. Elementalism never resisted healthy forms of progress in society. It also absorbed science and new technologies for modernization to further solidify the faith inclusively and promoted studying the elements and energies in many optics to better understand them. But traditions endure, being a cultural foundation among direwolves of Edon and the breeds native to Kranor and Eluin as well, glorious revelry celebrations that originate close to 3,000 years ago proudly remain today. The belief was also shared amongst Felidaen; Panther ancestors that had mingled with primitive Lycandians during sea voyages in old exploration efforts, and both species found commonality in practice. 


Stardust Elementalists:   individuals that believe in the Almighty Creator such as through Cosmicism and Elementalism, and viewing the incarnation of the Starwielder's spirit into a soul as a miracle. Expected to enact justice and peacekeeping under the Creator's Will. 


Decree Of Two Moons:- Predominantly a Felidaen religion of observing patterns out of chaos and randomness, then simultaneously also defining intelligent structures and order in all conceivable reality. Delving into the nihilistic side of ego annihilation, then rebuilding the individual self to achieve complete nirvana. Familiar in belief that all living consciousness had a relationship with one creator much like in Cosmicism. However, other spiritual forces and entities had roles to play besides just a single divine entity. Most ceremonies and rituals were heavily influenced by the two nocturnal moons that orbit homeworld and their significance as a physical binary conduit to the endless cosmos, and nighttime was often needed for certain Rites or communions. One such notable ceremony was done at an incredibly young age just after infancy, sacrificing part of their lifeforce to acquire eight additional lives. Although gifted with their own unique spiritual magic, most Felidaen consider the elements of the world to be controllable chaos as well, unfortunately only mixed breeds between Felidaen and Lycandian’s rarely have both ‘elemental attunement’ and magical ‘cosmic attunement’. The religion became firmly established in civilization’s when cheetah nomadic raiders and agriculture groups encountered tiger’s of similar faith.

Image of Cyngosa casting magic

A history of the countries of Perelith

Zilirah: Pronounced (ZII-L-IRAH) The homeland and origin of cheetahs, it is made up of an extensive landscape of savannas and slightly arid deserts speckled with hundreds of oases. The humid tropic coastline provided dozens of miles of foliage inland, and white sandy beaches covered the coastline. The capital of Zilirah is Umbris, an incredibly old civilization with an eminent reputation around the entire world. While most of the modern cities of Zilirah are able to thrive in the desert regions, many early established settlements originate where abundant water sources were found. Umbris is an eighty mile radius sprawl of a dozen colossal inhabitable black pyramids built strategically around a unique clumping of oases and one of only three rivers running throughout all of Zilirah. Umbris became the largest shipping and commerce hub in all of Perilith for much of the Early Primal Era until the rising of technologies and development of other countries. 


Significant Historical Wars, (more will be added.)

       The Briarhide-Direworg War: Uneasy political tension resonated throughout half a millennium and struck a boiling point from the previous Era’s conflicts and emigrations. Skirmishing was still present across most of Lycandia. A heavily burdened agreement, The Aluan Armistice between The Briarhide Republic of Aluan and the standing ruler of fascist Wulftheon, who renounced the agreements and invaded to expand. Saturated with bad blood from previous political confrontations, the armistice had at last evaporated (Year 3,950). This historically ushered in Homeworld’s first fully industrialized, highly advanced war between two super powerful post-empire countries on a scale yet unseen. Both countries also conveniently shared a 2,500ish mile long land-based border, with a number of wide rivers. Starting in the middle of the year 3,950 and for a decade on this border including several hundred miles outward of its origin on either side, raged in a destructive stalemate. Close to 2 million noncombatants were displaced from the huge region, leaving what civilizations existed in the warzone in complete wreckage. An estimated 8 million soldiers died combined of the two countries, which included colonized militias conscripted into the fight originating from Kranor, Eluin, and Edon. The largest tank and air battle in recorded history took place during this war, including the highest number of combatants participating in a battle in modern time. The conclusion of combat operations came in late Year 3,960 Aluan, The Briarhide Republic’s newly elected president and the next heir to Wulftheon’s monarchy began talks for a new armistice. This is following the financial collapse of Thalahast, both of their countries physical and economical neighbor. Other geopolitical events included the abrupt end of Wulftheon’s financial backing from Empyrean.  A Multitudes of problems begun during the fallout. The displacement of lycandians by breed, belief, political affiliation, and dozens of socio-economic factors all complied in the wake of the war that echo to the present. The war ended Year 3,960. 

          The War of Eclipsed Moons: In Perilith, during the Late Primal Era (Year 1,555) most of the cheetahs had roughly a century earlier formed a super senate of a hundred or so champions based in Umbris, who were essentially the offspring and successful regimes of the warlords/war ladies of previous time. With this unified consolidation of epic proportions, their close bonded relative tiger breeds formed a massive multi-country covenant of their own over the course of fifty bloody years of internal fighting to remove and dethrone opponents. With ample amounts of sabotage, assassination and sewn discord from their cheetah comrades the tyrannical oligarchies weakest in the tiger and panther regions opposing collapsed, or entered the fold. It had been decided almost unanimously to launch a crusade fueled by the Decree of Two Moons and geopolitical ambitions, against their homeland to further its borders and influence. Marking a significant causality-ridden twenty five year war in Felidaen history. Titled the “Covenant Of The Eclipsed Moons”, this enormous coalition, formed entirely of the North Western countries and kingdoms that covered that part of the supercontinent, began seizing several smaller nations directly South by sheer conquest and divine orders. Citizens were subject to ruthless theocratic inquisitions under the Covenant Crusaders that continued occupying the lands in wake of a terrifying war machine that swept away any form of resistance mile after mile. This was the commencement of the continent’s largest unified empire in its history; The Eclipsed Moon Dynasty. Conquest tapered off, sensing an overextension of power, and during the final months of its campaign, a multi-region ‘world order’ was rigidly charted into the Late Primal Era. 

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